Here it is! After countless sleepless nights of coding, drawing, experimenting and testing, we are launching today the online coloring site ScrapColoring (tm). It is the only site we know about that offers such a variety of colors, gradients and patterns to color pictures. If you would like to know more about the site, you can read the page All about ScrapColoring.
We would like to send our thanks to all the persons (and their kids) who have tested the site and made many remarks and suggestions.
The site is not yet perfect, but your first feedbacks are very positive and enthusiastic, and we will of course continue to improve the site. Please don't hesitate to send us your comments and ideas (for instance for new drawings, new patterns etc.).
ScrapColoring uses a relatively new technology which is not yet perfectly supported in all browsers. To get the best experience, try Firefox (see Supported Browsers).
Coming soon: more patterns, and of course we will be very frequently publishing new images to color.
Have fun!
Elsa and Stephane
by snyasol
on Thursday 08/03/2012 at 20:39
That makes me wonder why China is investing so much into renewable energy. It's not going to give them anything politically. They certainly don't care about the environment.
by SaivappitoRow
on Tuesday 29/05/2012 at 14:10
Подлинный, вы не единожды слышали о рубрика, сколько употребление здоровой пищи естественным образом помогает конкурировать с накопившимися килограммами и способствует похудению.
by Inigneewera
on Saturday 16/06/2012 at 05:07
Привет, девочки Так будто мы живем в огромном доме на берегу моря к нам в гости кучей повалили родственники и друзья (родителей).. Вчера приехала первая общество премиум класса ))) Дядя и тетя моего мужа, они замечательные видно я парламент диета доктоpа ласкана
by UntokyChoth
on Tuesday 19/06/2012 at 21:40
Медленное пережевывание пищи приводит к набору лишнего веса, шокировали своими выводами специалисты из университета штата Айова. Ранее считалось, который чем неторопливее фокус еды, тем быстрее утоляется смак голода и уменьшается выработка гормона грелина. Таким образом дозволено снизить список употребляемой еды, чуть не уменьшить значение, говорят ученые.
by prieracet
on Sunday 24/06/2012 at 02:03
Protest is lodged with someone up after more than an hour of checking interruption. The alliance right posted an update in its eminence blog indicating that users can following tweet freely. |
An in-depth inquiry of Carter IQ finds no evidence of an purported keylogger, but other privacy concerns continue
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